Quote for Repairs to Misrepresented '67 Mustang

(eBay Item 4586742525)


Sold by eBay member: "cigarmanauto," for Tony Chiofolo,

Log Cabin Auto Sales, Murphy, NC

Click here for overview of the dispute.


Following the appraisal and general inspection done by CJ Pony Parts in Harrisburg, PA, I asked for a quote for the specific repair work. I wanted a better idea of how much it would cost me to put the car in its advertised condition.

The bottom line (see image below) is $4,119.53, but even that doesn't cover everything. I did not ask for a quote on the paint touch up (eventually I'll find time to take the car to a painter for an estimate) or for the suspension repair (because I'm considering replacing more than just the piece causing the clunk).

This amount also doesn't cover the rear quarter window frames because it turns out replacements are simply not available. According to Brian at CJ's, having the original pieces rechromed would cost "at least 200.00 per side" plus approximately six hours of labor to remove them and reinstall them. At $55/hr, that means I should expect to pay over $700 to rechrome the two window frames.

In all, it could cost me another $5,000 to have the car that was advertised.

Click on the image below to see the entire 6-page quote.

Click to See 6-Page Repair Quote