Photos Illustrating Problems with Misrepresented '67 Mustang

(eBay Item 4586742525)


Sold by eBay member: "cigarmanauto," for Tony Chiofolo,

Log Cabin Auto Sales, Murphy, NC

Click here for overview of the dispute.


Shown on this page: The Interior


In the eBay ad, the seller claimed:

"Interior is flawless - as nice as I've seen.  This car is near perfect inside and out."

He then reaffirmed that description in a phone conversation.  I even followed up by email to ask about a specific issue:

"Thanks for answering my questions on the phone earlier this evening. Just one more--is the dash warped? Your description says the interior is flawless, but the pics look like the dash pad is lifted towards the center."

His reply didn't leave much to interpretation:

"The Dash is perfect.  Thanks, Tony"


Judge for yourself.  Do the following photos look like a "flawless" interior?


This is apparently the seller's idea of a "perfect" dash.  The dash pad is badly warped and sagging and (although you can't see this, of course) it's sticky on the underside--as though it may have been repainted or dyed.  Note also the misaligned center dash panel.


Although the passenger-side armrest is fine, the one of the driver's side is warped and will have to be replaced.


There's a chunk missing from the passenger side of the rear package deck (behind the rear seat).  I'm including a photo of the driver's side as well, to show the difference.


With the exception of the main windows, much of the chrome trim is pitted to one extent or another.  In particular, the rear side windows, the rear window cranks, and the wing vents will need to be refinished or replaced.



Photos of the Exterior

Photos of the Underside