Photos Illustrating Problems with Misrepresented '67 Mustang

(eBay Item 4586742525)


Sold by eBay member: "cigarmanauto," for Tony Chiofolo,

Log Cabin Auto Sales, Murphy, NC

Click here for overview of the dispute.


Shown on this page: The Exterior


In the eBay ad, the seller claimed:

"Exterior is excellent.  Flawless paint, no rust, dents or dings.


Frankly, the body is in very good shape--I've found no exterior rust.  But the finish is in no way "flawless."


In a phone conversation, Tony Chiofolo said the paint job was about 8 years old and had cost $6,000.  He described it as 15 coats of Imron.  (Imron is a very tough polyurethane paint from Dupont.)  Overall, the paint job looks good, but it's not "flawless."  Aside from some minor scratches that I believe will buff out, there's an area along the inside of the left rear wheelwell where the paint is flaking off, and a couple door nicks that have been touched up with a slightly different shade of red.


"No dents or dings" does not describe the chrome trim.  The first photo below is the windshield trim.  The second photo is of the right-side rocker panel chrome panel.  I had trouble getting a photo to really show it, but there are a couple small dents along its top edge.


A couple pieces of exterior chrome are pitted.


Several pieces of trim look like they may have been bent when they were removed for the re-paint.  The nose trim (along the front edge of the hood) is pictured below.  Because the trim is bent out of shape near the ends, it will not fit tightly against the sheet metal.



Photos of the Underside


Photos of the Interior